Great news! Our free hosted indoor climbing meets are back to [the new] normal.

4 Aug 2021 by Ed Gilmore

There is now no limit on how many people can attend our social indoor climbing meets. We meet upstairs at Cafe Rosilee every week, on alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays. ICAS hosted indoor meets are an ideal way to be introduced to, and climb with new partners. They are brilliant for making new climber friends. Our next meet is tomorrow (Thursday 5th August) at 7PM. Book your free place by heading to the ‘Climbing & social events’ section of the app/website and RSVP-ing on the date you want to come.

Remember that although climbing is a non-contact sport, Covid-19 is still a risk when interacting with other people, so please follow current government and Reach guidelines, and feel free to take what ever additional precautions you feel are appropriate to protect yourself and others – so everyone can keep climbing. See you soon!


Unit 6, Mellish Industrial Estate, Harrington Way, London SE18 5NR, UK