Hosted indoor climbing meetups are back for 2022!

5 Jan 2022 by Ed Gilmore

2022 is finally here and we are back climbing at the Reach climbing wall in Woolwich again. If some of your new year’s resolutions include having fun, climbing, making new friends, seeing old friends, getting more thrills, and all while getting in enviable shape at the same time, then come and join us! Our next hosted indoor climbing meetup is tomorrow (Thursday 6th January 7 pm – 9 pm). We’re meeting at Cafe Rosielee (upstairs) at 7 pm sharp.

To join us you will need to have registered on our website or app and meet the eligibility criteria below.
1. Know how to belay safely, and tie in without assistance BEFORE you come to a session.
2. Be registered as an unsupervised climber at the Reach climbing wall. (If you can demonstrate the experience outlined in point 1, this can be done on the night at the Reach Reception, but allow 10 minutes for the admin.)
3. Provide or hire your own equipment including harness, shoes, and belay device.
The easiest way to join us and RSVP to join in, is to get our free app. Just download ‘Team App’ from the App Store or Google Play now, and search for ‘ICAS Climbing Club’. You may need to scroll UP to find us, as we are at the top of the list, and on some devices this can be above the first visible listing.
If you are coming, please RSVP via our website or app so we know to expect you. Details of how to get the app including links, are also on the website. See you soon!

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